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What are Backwoods Cigars?
Backwoods cigars are a popular brand of machine-rolled cigars known for their rustic appearance and unique flavour. They are produced by the Altadis U.S.A. company, which is a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco. Backwoods cigars gained popularity for their distinctively rough, natural-looking wrapper made from Connecticut broadleaf tobacco and their flavoured fillings.
Unlike traditional cigars, Backwoods cigars have a tapered shape with a larger ring gauge, which means they are thicker in the middle and narrower at the ends. They have a rustic, rugged appearance, resembling small logs or sticks, hence the name “Backwoods.” The cigars are often unbound or loosely bound with a visible seam running along the length.
Backwoods cigars are known for their variety of flavours, including honey, honey berry, wild rum, honey bourbon, black n’ sweet aromatic, and more. The flavourings are infused into the tobacco, giving the cigars a unique taste and aroma. They are also popular for their mild to medium strength, making them suitable for both seasoned cigar enthusiasts and those new to cigar smoking.
These cigars have gained a following among outdoors enthusiasts, such as hunters and campers, due to their association with nature and their portability. They are often enjoyed in outdoor settings, as their rugged appearance and aromatic flavours align well with the rustic atmosphere.
It’s worth noting that while Backwoods cigars are well-liked by many, their machine-rolled nature means they may not have the same level of craftsmanship and complexity as hand-rolled premium cigars. Nonetheless, they offer a distinctive smoking experience and have become a recognizable brand in the cigar market.
Benefits of Backwoods Cigars
While Backwoods cigars are enjoyed by many, it’s important to note that smoking any tobacco product, including cigars, carries health risks. The following information highlights potential benefits associated with Backwoods cigars, but it’s crucial to consider the associated health hazards and make informed decisions. Here are a few perceived benefits that some individuals may associate with Backwoods cigars:
- Flavour variety: Backwoods cigars are available in a range of flavours, such as honey, honey berry, sweet aromatic, and more. This variety allows smokers to explore different tastes and find their preferred flavour profiles.
- Portability and convenience: Backwoods cigars are compact and easy to carry, making them a convenient option for those who enjoy smoking on the go. Their small size allows for discreet enjoyment when compared to larger cigars.
- Rustic appeal: Backwoods cigars have a unique appearance with their rough, toothy leaf wrapping. Some individuals appreciate the rustic aesthetic and find it appealing.
- Affordability: Backwoods cigars are generally more affordable compared to premium, hand-rolled cigars. This accessibility makes them an option for individuals seeking a cigar experience without breaking the bank.
It’s important to reiterate that these perceived benefits should be considered alongside the potential risks associated with smoking. Smoking any form of tobacco exposes individuals to harmful chemicals and increases the risk of various health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. If you choose to smoke, it’s crucial to be aware of these risks and consider alternative options or cessation strategies to protect your health.
Why Buy Backwoods Cigars Online in Canada?
There are several reasons why someone might choose to buy Backwoods cigars online in Canada:
- Convenience: Online shopping offers convenience since you can browse and purchase Backwoods cigars from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to travel to a physical store, saving time and effort.
- Wide selection: Online retailers often have a broader selection of Backwoods cigar flavours and options compared to brick-and-mortar stores. This allows you to explore and choose from a wider range of options based on your preferences.
- Availability: Backwoods cigars may not be readily available in all local stores or in your immediate vicinity. Online shopping enables you to access a larger inventory, ensuring that you can find the specific Backwoods cigar flavours you’re looking for.
- Competitive pricing: Online retailers often have competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs compared to physical stores. This can result in cost savings for customers, making online purchases more affordable.
- Discreet packaging and delivery: Online orders are typically shipped in discreet packaging, ensuring privacy and discretion. If you prefer to keep your purchase confidential, online shopping can provide that level of anonymity.
- Customer reviews and ratings: When shopping online, you can often find customer reviews and ratings for Backwoods cigars, allowing you to make more informed purchasing decisions. These reviews can provide insights into the flavour, quality, and overall satisfaction of other customers.
- Accessibility to a broader market: Online shopping allows you to access Backwoods cigars from different regions or provinces within Canada. This can be advantageous if you’re looking for specific regional variants or limited editions that may not be available locally.
When buying Backwoods cigars online or any tobacco products, it’s essential to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations regarding age restrictions and online tobacco sales. Additionally, it’s crucial to purchase from reputable and licensed online retailers to ensure product authenticity and quality.
Best Place to Buy Backwoods Joints Online in Canada?
There are many places to buy Backwoods cigars online in Canada since marijuana legalization, but the best place to buy them is from a reputable online retailer such as The Highest Farmacy. The Highest Farmacy offers a wide selection of Backwoods Joints at competitive prices, and we also offer free shipping on orders over $70. In addition, The Highest Farmacy provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure that you’ll be happy with your purchase.
Department of Justice. Cannabis Act (2018). Available at: